MPG’s Carmine Conte comments on adoption of the Pact in live interview with France24
MPG’s Senior Legal Policy Analyst, Dr. Carmine Conte, was interviewed by France24 on the recent adoption of the new pact on migration and asylum by the European Parliament. Carmine stated that the pact is a historical missed opportunity to make Europe’s approach to migration and asylum more humane and effective.
He pointed out several controversial issues contained in the pact. “First of all, there will be fast-track asylum and return procedures, meaning that there will be substandard procedures when it comes to processing asylum applications, with lower safeguards, with no access to legal devices and inadequate assessment of the vulnerability of the migrants.”
“Secondly, people arriving will be screened at the borders and they risk being detained in facilities for up to 12 weeks and in case their application is rejected, the detention can be extended for a further 12 weeks. This means that we will see an increased resort to detention towards asylum seekers and migrants at the external border of Europe.”
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.