The European Website on Integration (EWSI) launches analysis on bridging courses and qualification recognition for third-country nationals in the EU

The European Website on Integration (EWSI) published its latest analysis Bridging courses for migrants to complement qualifications acquired in third countries: approaches and practices in EU Member States to map the policies and practices that exist in Member States for the provision of bridging courses to third-country nationals (TCNs) whose skills, qualifications and experiences are not – or are only partially – recognised in the Member State in which they reside.
Building on questionnaires completed by the MPG-managed EWSI network of 27 national integration experts across the EU, the analysis identifies the specific objectives for which bridging courses are offered to TCNs, provides an overview of the availability and accessibility of these courses and relevant qualification recognition processes, highlights good practices and presents common challenges.
Read the key findings of the research and download the full analysis on EWSI.
About the European Website on Integration (EWSI)
EWSI is the only EU-wide source bringing up-to-date information and good practices on migrant integration for policy makers and practitioners. MPG started working on the creation of EWSI for the EC’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs in 2007, and has been running the project ever since, with website visits increasing exponentially over the past few years.