MPG History
The Migration Policy Group is committed to achieving lasting progress towards more open and inclusive societies. Since MPG’s establishment in 1995, we have played a pivotal role in shaping European laws and policies. Many original MPG initiatives have become established features of the European Union’s legal and policy landscape.
We have consistently come up with innovative solutions based on sound research and extensive consultations. Examples range from our ground-breaking campaign for EU-wide anti-discrimination laws to our imaginative programmes and reports on migrant integration.
Working with partner organisations throughout Europe and beyond, we maintain durable relationships with activists and watchdogs, researchers, civil society, academics, opinion formers and policymakers.
MPG's impact
MPG led the Starting Line Group
MPG helped to create the European Network Against Racism (ENAR)
MPG’s experts have been monitoring the implementation of EU law as an official European Network since 2004
MPG created and helped run the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet)
MPG helped to put equality data on the agenda across Europe
On anti-discrimination
Most European countries’ laws and practices were created as a direct result of MPG’s work for the adoption and implementation of EU law and national equality bodies. MPG, its partners and experts are changing practice in the fight for equal treatment on the grounds of age, disability, race/ethnicity, religion/belief and sexual orientation.
MPG facilitated mutual learning with the Council of Europe, and, since 2014, with its Intercultural Cities Network
MPG puts citizenship and political participation on the agenda of migrant leaders and political actors
MPG puts migrant entrepreneurship on the agenda of major businesses and local authorities
MPG facilitated mutual learning through the European Commission’s European Integration Network, European Migration Forum and Urban Agenda
MPG created the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) and expanded it across the developed world
MPG created and runs the European Website on Integration, Europe’s one-stop-shop for information and good practices
MPG leads on integration of beneficiaries of international protection
MPG helped Eurostat to use and expand the EU’s Integration Indicators to new areas at national, regional and local level
MPG founded and led the SIRIUS network to put migrant and refugee pupils on the agenda of mainstream education stakeholders
On integration
Policymakers and practitioners have innovated and learned from each other thanks to the EU standards and tools developed by MPG. With our support, a new generation of practitioners from all corners of Europe are working for effective integration policies to secure equal opportunities for everyone.
Migration News Sheet has been the reliable source for information on major EU developments on migrants and refugees.
MPG helps to convene the quarterly meetings of the EU NGO Platform on Asylum and Migration (EPAM)
MPG facilitated the “Amsterdam Proposals”—the first set of standards proposed by migration NGOs and experts for EU legal migration policies
MPG puts focus on family reunification of migrants and beneficiaries of international protection
MPG supports stakeholders to design, communicate and mobilise for the first European Citizens’ Initiative on migration: “We are a Welcoming Europe”
On migration
MPG has provided a wide variety of stakeholders with the facts and the networks they need to get involved in migration policy debates.