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All Europa

The story of Europe is also the story of migrants coming from around the world and becoming Europeans. But what is the story of Europe today, with its diverse citizens with origins from around the world?


All Europa focused on mobile and first generation EU citizens with migrant and refugee backgrounds as well as the second generation in the following six countries: France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain.

These countries represent some of the most spoken EU languages (Spanish, English, French, German and Italian) and some of the largest destination countries within the EU where migration and migrant populations are most important.

All Europa built upon the insights from our previous work in VoteEuropa and updated them with new online focus groups in the six targeted countries to dig deeper into these topics and the current EU agenda.


Karim Hallal Peche
Migrant Leadership Coordinator

All Europa was a Migration Policy Group project in collaboration with the European Parliament and it aims to reach out to mobile EU citizens, migrants, refugees and the second generation in order to understand and discuss the current topics of the EU in which they are most interested.


Discovering the most interesting EU topics for the target groups of the project as well as the barriers they have which prevent them from feeling closer to the European Union.

Connecting the target groups with some of the most relevant European Union issues through videos done by effective messengers with a similar background.

Providing information about several EU topics in a clear and simple way and through the language of the audience. Therefore, the videos will have subtitles in the most used languages of each of the six EU countries selected for All Europa.
