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Cities Grow

Cities Grow provided practical and relevant advice to cities and municipal leaders in Europe on how to address migrant integration challenges and develop effective integration and anti-discrimination strategies.

Eurocities Network partnered with MPG as an expert facilitator to help cities mentor and learn from each other. Together, they developed a toolkit on best practices for migrant integration. Based on MPG’s and the partners’ developed benchmarks, the toolkit was composed of two areas of our expertise: anti-discrimination strategies in the local job market, and access to public and private contracts for immigrant entrepreneurs.

Project Deliverables

  • Visits to 16 EU cities that are coupled for a peer learning exercise (mentoring and mentored cities).
  • Development of action plans for the mentored cities to bring about changes in the implementing cities.
  • Four Integrating Cities Toolkits.
  • Videos showcasing good practices.
  • The Integrating Cities Conference VIII (Milan, November 2018).

Cities Grow Toolkits

