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Intercultural Cities – How the Intercultural integration approach leads to a better quality of life in diverse cities

Intercultural Cities Index was an important instrument to assess whether an intercultural integration approach leads to a better quality of life in diverse cities.


Dr. Başak Yavçan

Council of Europe
10 local researchers
Local coordinator

The Council of Europe’s Intercultural Cities Network entrusted MPG to validate its Index because of our unique expertise on indicators and multilevel governance. MPG’s key finding—that intercultural cities are better place to live—was presented to hundreds of local authorities at the Network’s 10th Anniversary.

Project Deliverables

  • 80-page report co-authored by MPG’s staff. A complete version of the study can be obtained by contacting the Intercultural Cities Secretariat.
  • An 8-page summary of the report. Available here.
  • Webinar hosted by the Council of Europe.
  • Intercultural Cities Network’s 10-year anniversary conference where MPG presented its findings to hundreds of local authorities. See the meeting report here.

Key findings

  • The research identified the links between cities’ intercultural policies, national integration policies and local well-being, establishing that the most intercultural cities are better places to live.
  • The study established that local policies can be more important than national policies for successful integration.

