Catharina Germaine
Areas of expertise
Anti-discrimination law and policy; EU law; equality data; anti-discrimination in public procurement; hate speech
English, French and Swedish

Anti-Discrimination Legal Policy Analyst
Catharina is the Anti-Discrimination Legal Policy Analyst. Catharina joined MPG in 2013, working on all MPG projects related to anti-discrimination, whether on a broad comparative level or on specific topics where an in-depth analysis is needed of specific thematic issues. In particular, she is the content manager for non-discrimination law of the MPG-coordinated European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.
Catharina holds a Master’s in EU law from University Paris II Panthéon Assas. Before joining MPG, she was the policy assistant in Equinet (the European Network of Equality Bodies) and a trainee in the European Parliament’s Legal Research Service of the library.