SIRIUS 2.0 policy conference on sustainable and impactful change for inclusive education for migrants
On the 10th of February 2022, the annual Sirius Policy Conference took place in hybrid mode in Brussels and online. The aim of this conference “Sustainable and Impactful Change for Inclusive Education for Migrants”, that brought together national policymakers, educational researchers, migrant-led organisations, students and teachers, was to discuss progress on inclusive education for migrants across Europe.
Four panellists, MEP Salima Yenbou, previously a school head in France; Gyula Cserey, Head of Unit for Strategy and Investment in the Commission’s DG EAC; Bistra Ivanova, a seasoned advocate and SIRIUS Board member; Gelly Aroni, the Head of the Unit for Integration and Support of UAMs, Ministry of Migration and Asylum in Greece, discussed the topics.
The well attended discussion was followed by various workshops to allow participants sharing their ideas on how to best keep working for more inclusive education.
The Policy Conference was closed by Isabelle Chopin, MPG Director, and Tom Tudjman, Risbo and board member of SIRIUS who share the history of Sirius that was initiated by MPG 10 years ago.
From Isabelle Chopin, MPG Director, speech: “Today’s conference, not only celebrates the 10 years anniversary of Sirius creation but also marks the end of a 4 year cycle which deepened and consolidated the network both on the education systems but also on its dedication to identify needs and promote solutions.”
About SIRIUS – Policy Network on Migrant Education
“SIRIUS – Policy Network on Migrant Education” brings together key stakeholders in migration and education from around Europe, including policy makers, researchers, practitioners and representatives of migrant communities.
SIRIUS transfers knowledge and influences policy developments in order to help pupils from a migrant background achieve the same educational standards as their native peers.
What is MPG’s role:
Since 2012, MPG has helped to found and coordinate the SIRIUS network in order put migrant and refugee pupils on the agenda of the mainstream education stakeholders at EU, national and local level.
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.