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New project (with thanks to the Robert Bosch Stiftung): Tackling structural and institutional racism in 8 EU Member States

Structural racism

MPG is pleased to announce that — with thanks to the Robert Bosch Stiftung — it will commence work on an innovative new project aiming to facilitate evidence-based policymaking and identify the gaps in addressing structural and institutional racism in 8 EU Member States. 

The project, entitled ‘Tackling structural and institutional racism in 8 EU Member States’, is the latest addition to MPG’s portfolio of research in the area of anti-discrimination. 


Overview of the project 

To address the new policy priorities on the EU and national agendas to tackle structural racism, the proposed project will adopt an inductive and bottom-up approach that promotes better cooperation and synergies between researchers and stakeholders, in order to inform EU and national anti-discrimination policymaking. 

The project will result in policy recommendations to better and effectively achieve the goals of the EU policy agenda to fight structural and institutional racism. 


What are MPG’s reasons for undertaking this project? 

This project is linked to MPG’s unique position in mainstreaming EU and national’s dialogue channels between minority communities, researchers and institutions (see for instance the work done in the ReSOMA project). In addition, MPG has more than 20 years of experience in managing and contributing to multinational projects and research, notably on anti-discrimination and racism (see, European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination). 

View the project overview.

About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)

MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.
