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June MIPEX Citations

The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique tool which measures integration policies in 56 countries across 8 policy areas. It provides up-to-date, comprehensive research data and analysis on which to base policies, proposals for change and projects.

“Political Mobilizations Regarding Refugees and Migrants: Poland, Germany, Spain, and Sweden”

Markus Thiel, Ernesto Fiocchetto & Jeffrey D. Maslanik utilise MIPEX to map political mobilization and in/exclusion trends for migrants in Poland, Germany, Spain, and Sweden. The study finds that post-colonial and guest-worker immigration from outside the EU, along with influxes of refugees and asylum seekers, has resulted in an increasing socio-political polarization and weakening social cohesion and inclusion, in EU member states. This has led to as rise in racism, Islamophobia, and discrimination against those with migratory status’ and transpiring into their lower educational attainments, lower job placement rates, and less political participation and representation. Additionally, far-right parties and movements across Europe have used their presence to advance exclusive-nativist positions.

Migrant and Refugee Youth’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A Scoping Review to Inform Policies and Programs

In a review published in the International Journal of Public Health, MIPEX is used to assess the policies on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of migrant and refugee youth. MIPEX’s education, anti-discrimination, and health indices were used to identify significant policy gaps affecting young people’s sexual and reproductive rights, especially those from migrant and refugee backgrounds. One example is sexual and reproductive health education was often found lacking in cultural understanding, negatively impacting young people’s attitudes and behaviours towards family planning services and sexual health clinics. To ensure migrant and refugee youth’s access to sexual and reproductive health services, the authors of the review advocate prioritising youth perspectives and collaboratively designing policies and programs that adequately address their needs and rights.

“Exploring the Significance of Legal Status on Refugees’ and Asylum Seekers’ Access to Health Care in Germany—A Mixed-Method Study”

A study in the International Journal of Public Health investigates the significance of legal status for well-being and access to and use of needs-based health care by asylum seekers and refugees in Germany. Based on MIPEX data, the authors demonstrate that the legal status determines experiences of structural violence that can negatively affect well-being and associated access to health care.  An insecure legal status can affect access to health care for refugees and asylum seekers. In order to improve health and living conditions, barriers to access must be removed.

About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)

MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.
