April MIPEX Citations

The is a unique tool which measures integration policies in 56 countries across 8 policy areas. It provides up-to-date, comprehensive research data and analysis on which to base policies, proposals for change and projects.
Besides data on national integration policies, MPG now also gather data on policies at the regional – Regin (MIPEX-R) – and local levels – Whole-COMM (MIPEX-L).
“Succeeding without belonging? A double comparison of migrants’ socio-economic attainment and national belonging across origin and residence countries”
This article by Nella Geurts and Karen Phalet aims to understand the role of migrants’ socio-economic attainment in their sense of national belonging to their residence country. The authors take a double comparative perspective across 10 origin groups in three Western-European countries – namely Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. The first research aim of this study is to map contextual variation in the association between socio-economic attainment and national belonging across origin groups and residence countries. Secondly, the authors try to understand whether perceived ethnic boundaries, indicated by perceptions of group discrimination, could help situate the variable role of migrants’ socio-economic attainment for national belonging.
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.