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MPG in the Media

27 September 2024 | Euractiv

Euractiv published MPG’s opinion article in on structural and institutional racism in Europe by MPG’s Senior Legal and Policy Analyst Carmine Conte in which he points that these incidents point to deeper systemic issues that require urgent attention.

28 September 2024 | Il Punt Au Vui 

Catalan newspaper Il Punt Au Vui asked MPG to comment on the request by some EU countries for exemption from EU migration rules amid border restrictions. MPG’s Senior Legal and Policy Analyst Carmine Conte pointed that “Being part of the Union means being part of Schengen, both to ensure the freedom of movement between people and to guarantee access to the right of asylum in a legal way”.

 8 October 2024 | La Libération

La Libération (France) dedicated an article to MPG’s recent report on structural and institutional racism report which highlights how structural racism in Europe, particularly against Moroccans, Muslims, and Black communities, is embedded in systems like justice, healthcare, and housing. This racism, often subtle and unacknowledged, leads to widespread discrimination, exclusion, and inequality, reflecting the lasting impact of colonialism and systemic bias.

17 October 2024 | Le Figaro 

Le Figaro (France) published an article focusing on the demand by some EU countries for new measures to tighten the migration rules, particularly on returns. MPG’s Senior Legal and Policy Analyst Carmine Conte commented: “The general feeling is pushing for negotiation partnerships with third countries to subcontract to them the management of migrations and make Europe a fortress. I’m not sure it’s a lasting solution. The European Union has already spent billions on Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt or of Mauritania. It is very expensive, and we don’t always know how the money is spent.”

17 October 2024 | AA | Middle East Monitor

MPG’s Head of Research, Başak Yavçan, was featured in both the English and Turkish editions of the Turkish Anadolu Agency (AA), with the article later reproduced by Middle East Monitor. In her response on recent EU migration debates following Ursula von der Leyen’s proposal, Yavçan highlighted concerns that the proposal undermines the EU’s commitment to human rights and democratic values by prioritising returns over legal migration pathways and integration efforts.

18 October 2024 | ERT TV

MPG’s Head of Research, Başak Yavçan, participated in a debate on migration on the news channel of ERT TV (Greece). She commented on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and pointed out that some EU member states find it too restrictive, while some find it does not address their concerns enough. She also pointed out that restrictive migration policies create major obstacles to asylum seekers and their rights to seek asylum and identified several problems with the proposals to create hotspots for outsourcing asylum processes in third countries.

About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)

MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.
