October MIPEX in Use

The is a unique tool which measures integration policies in 56 countries across 8 policy areas. It provides up-to-date, comprehensive research data and analysis on which to base policies, proposals for change and projects.
Besides data on national integration policies, MPG now also gather data on policies at the regional – Regin (MIPEX-R) – and local levels – Whole-COMM (MIPEX-L).
This paper aims to analyse equity in education policies and practices in Southern Spain that ensure cultural competence in services and the inclusion of migrant and racialised students. Our model for defining and analysing equity in education was adapted from the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX).
This research introduces a child-centered system of indicators designed to assess and guide the integration of refugee and migrant children across Europe, addressing a critical gap in measuring and setting targets for their inclusion. The indicator system incorporates both subjective and objective aspects of integration across multiple dimensions, offering 14 outcome indicators and 16 contextual indicators to support policymakers and stakeholders in fostering social cohesion.
The production of “evidence” for migrant integration policy in the European Union
This article examines how the EU structures research–policy collaborations to create “evidence” that informs migrant integration governance, analysing what counts as evidence, whose expertise is prioritised, and the implications for managing mobility and diversity. By mapping these EU-level channels, it reveals how social scientific knowledge frames integration as both a measurable social issue and a shared European concern, suggesting further research into the impacts on governance of racialised and migrant populations.
Integration in a diverse Basque Country: Using MIPEX-R to Evaluate Basque Policies
The article evaluates integration efforts in the Basque Country through the MIPEX-R (Migrant Integration Policy Index – Regional version), a tool developed by the REGIN project in collaboration with the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Migration Policy Group. By applying MIPEX-R 61 indicators across governance and integration policies, the study benchmarks Basque policies against other European regions. The Basque Country has scored 77 out of 100, surpassed only by Vienna. This result reflects the Basque model’s success in managing diversity but highlights areas needing improvement, such as housing, social support, and collaborative governance.
About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)
MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.