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MPG’s legal experts gather for the annual legal seminar

MPG’s legal experts gather for the annual legal seminar

On 29 November 2024, the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination hold its annual legal seminar. This annual seminar gathered in Brussels aimed to foster dialogue and share insights on advancing equality and combating gender equality and discrimination across the European Union. This annual gathering serves as a platform to address emerging legal and societal challenges, review the latest developments in EU legislation and case law and present the Network’s publications.

  1. Presenting and discussing the Network’s forthcoming publications: thematic reports on Gender equality in statutory social security, the legal implications of the Istanbul Convention after accession gendered content in advertising within the media, National measures to combat anti-muslim hatred, and evolving concepts like discrimination by association and by assumption, the seminar sought to identify good practices and gaps in current national legal frameworks.
  2. Collaboration and Networking: Bringing together experts from the Network coming from diverse background, academia, civil society organisations, equality bodies together, with colleagues from the Commission, national equality bodies and European organisations the event encouraged the exchange of ideas and strategies, fostering partnerships to address complex equality and non-discrimination issues.

Ultimately, the seminar underscored the EU’s commitment to creating an inclusive society through robust legal mechanisms and coordinated efforts to eliminate discrimination in all its forms.

Both strands of the Network, gender equality coordinated by the Utrecht university and non-discrimination  coordinated by MPG-for the past decades provides crucial expertise and information assisting  the European Commission to ensure compliance.

Karen Vandekerckhove, Deputy Director Equality & Non-Discrimination of the the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers celebrated the uniqueness of the Network emphasising the fact it is able to provide independent information for the European Commission”.

On 28 November, during the annual internal meeting, MPG and its experts marked an incredible milestone: the 20th anniversary of the non-discrimination strand of the Network. For two decades, its work has been at the forefront of combating discrimination by providing the European Commission and the public with independent analysis on the transposition and implementation of EU anti-discrimination and on other issues at stake.

Isabelle Chopin, Director of MPG, said: “We are immensely proud of leading this work and deeply grateful to our dedicated non-discrimination and senior experts for their invaluable contributions”.

About the Migration Policy Group (MPG)

MPG is an independent think-and-do-tank based in Brussels. MPG’s purpose is rooted in its ability to inspire networks to provide evidence-based projects, research and campaigns in the areas of integration, migration and anti-discrimination.

Learn more about the Migration Policy Group.
